Sold! – profitable residential hvac company for sale
PRICE: $500,000
Listing description
This company is a well-established and successful residential HVAC business with an excellent reputation, strong relationships and superb branding. The Company’s revenues are driven by residential HVAC work for homeowners. They provide regular services for an estimated six hundred plus accounts in Maricopa County. The business operates with vehicles and equipment that will convey with the sale. The asking price for this opportunity is only $500,000
Listing details
Asking Price: $500,000
Gross Income: $845,000
Down Payment: $500,000
Cash Flow: $230,000
FFE: $98,000 (Included in Price)
Reason For Sale:Retirement
Training & Support:The seller is willing to train, the time frame is negotiable
Days & Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday
Owner Hours Per Week: 40
Employees: 3+
General Location: PHOENIX