Sold! – sba pre-approved custom cabinet & millwork company w/ real estate
PRICE: $1,575,000
Listing description
This company is a custom cabinet and millwork operation located in the Phoenix Arizona. Established over ten years, the Company is well established with an excellent reputation and superb staff.
The company focuses on work for the residential market with occasional commercial work. They provide custom cabinets and millwork for kitchens, baths, entertainment centers, office, library and commercial projects.
The business operates out of a 16,000+ SQ FT facility with room for growth. In addition to the real estate, the business will convey with all long list of well-maintained FF&E.
The business and real estate are being offered as a package at an asking price of $1,575,000.
Listing details
Asking Price: $1,575,000
Gross Income: $1,203,069
Down Payment: $1,575,000
Cash Flow: $214,739
FFE: $250,000 (Included in Price)
Reason For Sale:Retirement
Training & Support:The seller is willing to train, the time frame is negotiable
Days & Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday
Owner Hours Per Week: 40
Employees: 8+
General Location: PHOENIX